Principal’s Greetings
This term saw the completion of new student gardens, the clam survey, a focus on study skills, International Literacy Week, drumming classes, learning about food security and food miles, what goes into making a t-shirt and a unit of work on advertising. Students are learning critical thinking skills, gaining an understanding of environmental and social justice issues, globalisation, persuasion and marketing. This learning links our students’ lives to not just their PACE work, but also to issues of concern around the world.
This year has seen a marked improvement in attendance. Further, it is now rare for a student to come late to school. I would like to thank students and their families for their support in these areas.
Thankyou to Ms Maeva, Nurse Malvie, Mr Will, Mr. Neale, Mr Charlie and the admin staff for the valued contributions they make to our school and our students’ learning.
Image (Right): Making posters Tamatoa and Robert
Download Newsletter – The Lucky Times V4.No.3

Literacy Week
September 7 – 14 was International Literacy Week. Like many schools in the Cook Islands and indeed, around the world, we had a week of fun filled learning activities. Our focus was on libraries and the care of books. We had role play activities, quizzes, and fun games. Students did virtual tours of a Kid’s Library, a public library and a university library where students were surprised at all the interesting things that libraries can offer including free internet, games and even audiobooks, music CDs and movie DVDs. Students learned about the Dewey Decimal System and finished the week by making posters that showed what they had learned over the week.

James and Henry role play – return books on time!